Monday, November 30, 2009

Quote of the day
Yes one must suffer, even in vain, so as not to live in vain
Antonio Porcha
So I chose this quote for all of my suffering as far as school goes. Ha ha I meant it funny but it could be taken seriously as well. I haven't been on here in a while because I've been so busy with school. Also kind of numb with feelings and when I have feelings is when all of my inspiration comes. But I'm not complaining. I dont miss the drama or the stress that comes with those feelings. Through my busy times I've complained endlessly about the all the homework I've had to do and the lack of social life I've had. But I always told myself that it would be worth it someday. And I'm sure it will be when I graduate, but this quote isnt just for school. Its good for life as well. Life is so short. Suffering is apart of life. We gotta take the bad times with the good. Because with out the bad times you will never appreciate the good times. So we must suffer to live life. To experience it fully, if we didn't we would cease to grow and learn.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm a woman hear me roar!!

I could never at any age be content to take my place in
a corner by the fireside and simply look on.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I am 27 and single. I love in a state where it is really cool to get married at the age of 19. No offense to those who did, but thats just the way it is and I don't fit that mold. But living in this state I am looked at as if something were wrong with me. But eh its ok, I have been told alot by men that I have a lot going for me, that I have a head on my shoulders. And yet.... I'm still alone. Why? Ha ha only God knows. But many friends have told me that men are intimidated by independent self sufficient women. And to that I say who am I to be less of a person to help a mans ego? Forget that! I would rather be who I am for the rest of my life that be less than what I am. I don't really consider myself a feminist, I'm not a man hater by any means, I love men! But I'm not gonna wait around for one. I'm not gonna marry a man just to get married like some people do. I can go out and experience the world without one. I refuse to be one of those girls that needs to have a man around. I'll admit being alone sucks but thats not really what i'm referring to. I'm referring to how much we rely on them. I know a girl who had men wrapped around her finger to the point they would do anything for her. I'm talking about being self sufficient, women are and can be very strong and I don't think that we should hide our strengths but embrace them, Eleanor Roosevelt was an example of this and I love reading her quotes, they let me be the independent intimidating woman that I am and I'm ok with it! :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day

Quote of the Day:
We shall not fail or falter, we shall not weaken or tire.....
Give us the tools & we will finish the job
Winston Churchill
For some reason this year for Veterans Day has been very important to me. I don't really know why. Maybe because it is the first year that I'm actually a vet. Or maybe its because my patriotism has increased. Or maybe it is because I know what some people have given up and what others have offered, and I have come to know what is expected of me. I was at walmart one day in uniform and this random woman came up to me to thank me for my service. My goal for life is to earn and live up to those thanks. I always get emotional when stuff like that happens and as I always get teary eyed when they play the star spangled banner or when I see an American Flag flying in the air. I take a moment to remember what it took to get the flag flying in the air. Many men and women have lost their lives and to them I am truly grateful. We may not support the president, and we may not agree with the war, but we need to support the troops that give up their lives and time away from their families. We are in it no matter what, and what we do isn't for the president or politics. Its for you. So thank you all who have served and who are serving!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What are little girls made of?

Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with
their weakness
Marie de Vichy
I often compare the two things that I'm wearing in these two photos. I often tell people that when I put on that uniform its like wearing my superman cape. I feel like I can do anything. But I like this quote because I had to go through months of weakness to be able to wear my uniform. And as I prepare to deploy again I go through my weaknesses all over again. Wondering if I'm good enough, if I will be able to handle it, If I can do it. When I put on that superman cape I forget those weaknesses and realize that there is a job to do. I remember all the reasons that I do it. And I am grateful for those who have done it before me. This week especially being veterans day, I am grateful for all those who have sacrificed their time and their lives so that I may live in freedom. The greatest moment of my life is coming off of the plane from my deployment and seeing my family standing there, its a moment that I can not even begin to describe. It is for them that I do this. So my nieces and nephews can raise their families in freedom. It is for them that I crawl through my weaknesses in hope that somewhere somehow I will be able to make a difference with my strength.