I was reading an article in a Self magazine called HONK IF YOU'RE HAPPY, and it talks about how we can find happiness in the most unexpected places. The author was referring to bumper stickers but it made me reflect on my own life and how I've managed to be happy in one of the most unexpected places in the world-Baghdad Iraq. In this article she lists the different bumper stickers that she has seen and what they mean to her, and I enjoyed them so I am going to share them with you.
There are alot of times where we look different upon others because of the way that they choose their life. It may appear to be judgemental at times and we think that we know the best for others. Just because someone chooses a different path means they are lost. It just may mean they are taking a different route to get to the same destination it may be harder or simpler but it works for them.
2. Those who discourage your dreams have likely
abandoned their own.
3.Don't believe everything you think
5. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
Now this one is something that I would have written down and agreed whole heartedly with a few years ago, but the author gives the opposing arguement on this one that I liked. "A healthly dependency is when you can let yourself lean on someone to do for you what you can't do for yourself. Thats not weak. That's Human" I thought that I had to do everything myself to prove how strong I was especially since i've been in the military.
This one just gives me hope. Who's to say that life and success are so black and white, why can't their be a little gray area in there, and why can't there be multiple steps to success.
7.I'm not perfect, but parts of me are fantastic.
This one just makes me happy all on its own. :)
8. The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off
I think there are too many Debbie Downers and Negative Nancies in this world, and one mental adjustment can change so many things. To many, we are stuck in the desert experiencing ground hog day everday and are already counting down the days. To me I look at it as a single girls paradise. Here I am surrounded by men making a lot more money than I would at home, I get to carry a gun and sometimes two, I don't have to cook someone does it for me, even have someone to do my laundry if I wanted them too. There is always something good that can be derived in any situation. We just have to look for it, sometimes we may just have to squint to see it but its always there.