Friday, December 18, 2009

Quote of the Day:
Optimist: Someone who isn't sure whether life is a tragedy or a comedy
but is tickled silly just to be part of the play.
--Robert Brault
I have not been on here in a while! Sorry I guess I just didnt have any insight or inspiration to share. School is out, yay! That was probably the hardest semester I've had and this next one is looking equally as promising. I forgot what it was like to not be so stressed out and allow myself to be happy. I'm getting deployed at the end of next year so i'm trying to get it all in so I don't miss any school. I keep telling myself that this will all pay off in the end. Unfortunately there is no end in sight. But...... I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to attend school in the first place. I am thankful that I have the opportunity as a woman to get an education and to be independent. I love this time of year! It makes me realize all that I have. I had the opportunity to help someone out with out them knowing it was me. And it brought me the greatest joy. I am thankful for the opportunity to help my fellow man. I am thankful for the strength and the compassion that God has given me so that I can reach down and pull some one up so to speak. When I graduated from Tech School with the Air Force one of my instructors shook my hand and said to me, "Now go change the world" and for some reason that stuck with me. My presence in Iraq or Afghanistan, or wherever my adventures take me, may not make a huge difference. Someone else could take my place and do the same job. But if I can change the world for just one person. If I can make a difference in atleast one persons life, if I can help ease the burden of a friend, then my job is complete. Parts of life are tragedies, while others are comedies, but you can't have one without truly appreciating the other. Each are equally important and they are both a part of life. So I am tickled silly to be alive.