Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Little SOC Puppets

Quote of the Day:

I had the blues because I had no shoes until

upon the street, I met a man with no feet.

These are pictures of the SOC guards. SOC stands for something but I'm not entirely sure what it is. They are from Uganda and sign up for not months but years to work here in Iraq. Only a few of them are armed with AK-47's. Which makes me nervous because I'm not sure they really know how to use them. But they do the same job as we do and get paid less than we do. I'm not sure what the economy is like in Uganda but if it's anything like Mali my heart goes out to them.

They aren't allowed as much as we are on base. No cameras no ipods or anything and I think they make maybe $800 a month but its alot more than they would make back home. In Uganda its ok to have more than one wife as long as you can afford it and men still give the father of the bride cattle in order to marry them. These are the ones that I have been around the most but I think a majority of them know who I am now even at different posts that I don't work out. One of them, Michael is his name, told me that they like me because I talk to them and I'm nice. Apparently there are alot of troops over here who don't even say a word to them. The one above is Herbert and I turned on my ipod one morning and he asked for me to play Lady Gaga and he got the biggest grin on his face and started dancin to it. It totally made my day.

This here is Victor, one of the older ones here. I think some of them thought I liked him because I asked what his name was. He actually asked me to take his picture with him posed like this. ha ha

This is my dear Emilee, I love her like a little sister, she is 22 and has been here for 2 years I think. I don't know how long for sure, but I really wish I could bring her home with me and give her a life in America. She is the cutest thing and she keeps all the boys in line. They really enjoy music and we will be searching vehicles and Emilee will start singing and its so funny. The radio broke in the search pit and they went a couple weeks without music. I decided to go and buy them one to put in the search pit and when I brought it up to them they were so excited and they all gave me hugs. They even "God Blessed" my family. A simple act like that made a huge difference to my little SOC puppets, what is pocket change to me, simple 40 bucks for a new radio is something they can't even afford to buy for themselves. I'm so glad that i've been able to meet these happy people. They are in the same if not worse situation and they always seem happy for things like a radio that we always take for granted. I will never forget my little SOC puppets

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happiness is in the mind of the beholder

I have realized in the last couple of months just how important a good mental attitude is. The only thing that is holding alot of people back is what is in their head. It's amazing the power of the mind. My mind has held me back plenty but it has also helped me survive the monotony of a security forces deployment :) I was sitting outside my CHU in a fold up chair because my AC went out in my room on the hottest day we've had so far. It was actually cooler outside in the wee hours of the morning than it was inside.

I was reading an article in a Self magazine called HONK IF YOU'RE HAPPY, and it talks about how we can find happiness in the most unexpected places. The author was referring to bumper stickers but it made me reflect on my own life and how I've managed to be happy in one of the most unexpected places in the world-Baghdad Iraq. In this article she lists the different bumper stickers that she has seen and what they mean to her, and I enjoyed them so I am going to share them with you.

1. Not all who wander are lost.

There are alot of times where we look different upon others because of the way that they choose their life. It may appear to be judgemental at times and we think that we know the best for others. Just because someone chooses a different path means they are lost. It just may mean they are taking a different route to get to the same destination it may be harder or simpler but it works for them.

2. Those who discourage your dreams have likely

abandoned their own.

3.Don't believe everything you think

4.Honk if you love Jesus.

5. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

Now this one is something that I would have written down and agreed whole heartedly with a few years ago, but the author gives the opposing arguement on this one that I liked. "A healthly dependency is when you can let yourself lean on someone to do for you what you can't do for yourself. Thats not weak. That's Human" I thought that I had to do everything myself to prove how strong I was especially since i've been in the military.

6. If at first you don't succeed, redefine success

This one just gives me hope. Who's to say that life and success are so black and white, why can't their be a little gray area in there, and why can't there be multiple steps to success.

7.I'm not perfect, but parts of me are fantastic.

This one just makes me happy all on its own. :)

8. The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off

I think there are too many Debbie Downers and Negative Nancies in this world, and one mental adjustment can change so many things. To many, we are stuck in the desert experiencing ground hog day everday and are already counting down the days. To me I look at it as a single girls paradise. Here I am surrounded by men making a lot more money than I would at home, I get to carry a gun and sometimes two, I don't have to cook someone does it for me, even have someone to do my laundry if I wanted them too. There is always something good that can be derived in any situation. We just have to look for it, sometimes we may just have to squint to see it but its always there.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good Neighbor Program

Quote of the Day:
I brought children into this dark world because it needed the
light only a child could bring.
--Liz Armbuster
Here are a few pictures from the other day from what is called the Good Neighbor Program, where we get a bunch of packages together and hand them to some Iraqi families living on base. I can't explain the extenuating circumstances as to why they are living on base but just that it was getting unsafe for them to live among the general populace. What an awesome experience it was to meet these little children, I always have had a soft spot in my heart for them, anywhere in the world actually not just here. In my travels to here and to Africa it has been the children that have affected me and taught me the most. As I was sitting there watching these children play I was lost in thought, wondering what it would have been like to have been in this country when the war first started, how scary it would have been for them during the first attacks. For a second I was angry with our country, but then I then I realized that most of these children were not old enough or were probably babies when we bombed Baghdad, and that they know no different than war. But what would there life had been like had we not intervened? I've heard of Saddam kidnapping and raping women and writing to their families asking them if they want to kill her or if he should so she wouldn't dishonor their family. What if that were to become of my new friends in these pictures. I personally don't care if Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, he was a horrible and murderous leader and the road to rebuilding this country has to start somewhere and even if its just a little bit better than what it was while he was in power then I think we have succeeded. I am over here in the last stages of our presence here. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over making way for New Dawn, as I see some rubble left over from 8 years ago I am reminded that this country has come a long way and these little children are the future. Who knows we may be back in ten years and these children could be who we are fighting but I would like to have more hope than that. There are other countries falling apart around us, this world is turning into a dark place, but as long as we still have hope in the sparkling eyes and smiles of children like these adorable Iraqi girls then there is still hope for us all.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quote of the Day:
Difficult times have helped me to understand better
than before, how infinitely rich & beautiful life is in
everyway, & that so many things that one goes
worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.
I was hoping to get on here more while i'm gone and I have not been doing a very good job, that and I hate blogs without pictures and I haven't been taking very many pictures here. I'm a slacker I know. But this is what my life has resulted to. From my queen sized bed down to a twin. From my huge closet down to a teeny wall locker and having to wear the same uniforms day in and day out. My life is so drab! But the awesome thing about this is, is that it could always be worse. I spent months stressing about this deployment, and it's more the unknown that gets to me. But instead of being bummed that don't have my queen sized bed that I can sprawl out in I am thankful that my twin sized bed isn't a cot and my "Chu" isn't a tent. And even though I have to tuck my shirt in everywhere I go and that I have to sport my pink reflective belt, instead of my red heels, it could definitely be worse. Life is full of rich and beautiful moments, its AMAZING! But I think some people are so busy worrying that they can't stop and breathe for a second and realize how beautiful life really is. And this is coming from someone in Baghdad Iraq.... so if you are home with your family, wearing anything you want, eating whatever you want, going anywhere you want and you can't find a beautiful thing there, shame on you! Life is not something to just watch pass you buy its something to be experienced to the fullest! So when you are old and looking back at the years of your life you are able to do it without worry and without regrets. Write down all the things in your life that are beautiful and make you happy the next time you are feeling down. Most of the times you feel that way it is your outlook and not the situation and if we focus more on the beauties of life the happier we will be. I know when I'm old and look back at all of my adventures and experiences there is one word I want to describe my life. ORGASMIC!! On the top of your list pick one word, just one word to describe the life you want, and do everything possible to make it happen. If you don't, you are only cheating yourself. Till next time!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

From Nail Polish to Camoflauge

11 Things Every Woman Deserves in Life
  1. A friend who takes your side and has the guts to tell you when you're wrong.
  2. One Item of clothing that instantly makes you feel twice as beautiful and half as nervous.
  3. The occasional good cry, for no particular reason.
  4. A man who just cannot get enough of your body.
  5. Atlease as much pay as the guy at the next desk who does the same job.
  6. A same sized friend with an incredible closet.
  7. A really hot, really fast read car. Failing that, really hot red shoes you can run in.
  8. The expensive toilet paper.
  9. To sometimes lie back and take and take in bed.
  10. A grandparent equivalent: wise, huggable, all ears.

I have enjoyed that little list, especially the last one as you can tell and later I will tell you why. I am about to embark on another adventure, and on all of my trips there has been one constant thing that I have longed for on them all. As pathetic as it sounds it has been nail polish. For my civilian job I have to dress up. From getting my hair done and nails done to sportin those sexy heels. My friend Kim tells me that I am the only girl that she knows that can be so girly and still kick ass. I enjoy my double life, there are times where I have to put my girliness aside and go serve my country. This was my first trip to Saudi Arabia in 2008.

I'm about to head overseas again and with a full stock of nail polish :) I am looking at this trip as a chance to better my life. On my down time I will be training for a half marathon that I promised Kim I would do with her when I get home. I have also made other goals that I wish to accomplish while I am there. I will not be as lazy as I was on this last one and I will take advantage of this opportunity that our government has given me yet again. What a better way to push the reset or restart button than to be taken out of the normal hum drum of life and be able to look at it from a different angle and be able to fix those things that we all want to. Repair my outlook on life, forget the regrets and wasted time. Get Healthy! Not just in Shape! I have used this blog for things that I have learned and I will continue to do so but more frequently while I am gone so if you would like you can keep tabs you can. I don't ever expect to come home the same person, even if I never see combat the situation always changes me. It sucks to leave all of the time but I am honored to do it and it always makes coming home the greatest thing in all the land. So please make sure your seats and tray tables are in their full upright position..... its gonna be a wild ride :D