Sunday, October 14, 2012

Life in Massachusetts

 Quote of the Day
No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! that first book is already closed, ended and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!
--C. Joybell
Well I have lived in Massachusetts for two months now and I almost feel guilty when I say that I absolutely love it. Especially in the fall! It is so beautiful here! I have yet to find a job but its been fun to be driven around and shown a lot of what Massachusetts has to offer. I'm enjoying the free time while I have it because I know it won't be around forever and it has been a very long time since I've had it. 

These pictures were taken on top of Mount Greylock. We went there on Dave's day off but didn't realize it was Columbus Day and there was a big hike going on and there were TONS of people. You can climb to the top of the tower through a narrow spiral staircase that makes you clasterphobic and dizzy but you can see Vermont and New York from there. 

All the trees are changing color and I wish my camera did it justice, it can never capture how beautiful it really is. I almost want to get a better camera and learn a thing or two about photography and walk around taking pictures all day. 

If you had asked me if I ever pictured myself married and living in Massachusetts I would have thought you were crazy. I had a plan and goals for life and it is very humbling starting over at the age of 30. 

 But I am so excited for my new adventure with the man I love and the scenery I've only seen in puzzles. :)