Sunday, September 5, 2010

Quotes of the Day:
I could not at any age be content to take my place in
the corner by the fireside and simply look on.
Eleanor Roosevelt
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so
as to accept the life that is waiting for us.
Joseph Campbell
I could not decide on one single quote today. So you get two. This is one of my favorite ones by Eleanor Roosevelt, she is one of my heros and this quote fits me so well. And as for this second one it has gotten my attention as of late with everything going on in my life. I guess inside me since I was a little girl I've always known that I was meant to do something. Something different. I know everyone grows up thinking that way but sometimes they loose sight of it I guess. These pictures posted represent a time line in the last few years of my life. The first one is when I sold my sould to the devil or the U.S Government whichever you prefer, the next one was taken at my basic graduation, the third was taken in Saudi Arabia on my first deployment, the fourth was at my homecoming (which I must say was the most rewarding moment in my life up to date) and the fifth was some training we were doing in Wendover. I pick these two quotes because in my life and around here I don't believe I fit the norm. I look at friends facebook pages I went to highschool with and it seems like they have the american dream. Married, 3 to 4 kids white pickett fence. The whole nine yards. I envy them, because at one point in time that was what I wanted. I still do. But I am not a very patient person as you who know me well know. I was not about to sit around and wait for someone to make my life happen. I went and grabbed the bull by the horns. I have done things that I have never imagined would be possible in my life. They are things I never thought or never planned to do. When life throws you sign up for the military fight for freedom and see the world. Atleast thats what I did. And I've enjoyed every moment. Life is too short to live safe i've decided. I've planned for a while to get my degree i was enrolled at weber state this semester and have decided to withdraw because of an upcoming tasking to Africa with my unit, and I get home just in time to start training for a deployment to Iraq. I will miss out on a year for school and was a little upset about it. But then after thinking about it I realized, I'm goin to freakin Africa!!!! There will always be time to come back and go to school. This is where the second quote comes into play. I've had this life planned out for a while and I decided not to go with where it is planned but to go see what else is out there waiting for me. If I have to give up part of who I am or sacrifice here and there so that my friends out there can live the American Dream then I am truly honored to do it. I may not be famous in my endeavors, no one may ever know my name, but knowing in my heart that if what I am doing, the road that I am traveling makes a difference in just one persons life or even in my life then I will be content not living the life that I envy.

1 comment:

  1. You were never ordinary! I thank you for being more brave than myself, to protect my american dream. I think of you when I ponder upon my blessings. Thank you for your sacrifice . . . just make sure you come home or I'll loose not only you but Squid.
