Thursday, October 29, 2009


Physical strength is measure by what we can carry;
spiritual strength is by what we can bear.
There are times in our life when we think we just can't take anymore. When it rains it pours right? Everything comes in threes? Nothing just seems to go right. Where do we turn when this happens? Do we blame all of the uncontrolled forces around us or do we look inward to see what we can do about it. Its not necessarilly about what happens outside of us, but more of how we choose to deal with it or bear it. After living in Utah for a while I noticed that there is a difference between being religious and being spiritual. They don't necessarily coincide. I've noticed that there is a lot of religion in this state but they lack the spirituality. I've met some very spiritual people who aren't religious. My friend for instance, who almost died from Crohns disease. I'm not sure of anyone who can be that close to death and not have a relationship with the Lord. I believe that it is when you have that close relationship with the Lord that you gain that spiritual strength, and that through him you can bear anything. Something that isn't guaranteed by Sunday attendance, but like any other relationship takes work, and not just showing up.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If you want to be happy, Just be!

Life is a smorgasbord for bellyachers, and endless buffet of tightwad bosses, lost earings,
explodying pens. There's always something to be depressed about. But thats so.........depressing.
Snap out of it! Being swell isn't just about smooth movers.... Its about having the right spirtit.
Chin up! as they used to say. We call it pathological opitmism. Either way sounds corny. But it's
the soul of swell: Knowing how to make the bad times good and the good time unforgetable!
--Cynthia Rowley & Ilene Rosenzweig
You ever know someone that everything out of their mouth is something negative? I'm pretty sure we all do. Doesn't it get annoying some times? Everything that happens is some horrible catastrophic event when its just a part of everyday life. All they want is a pitty party. You just want to slap them in the face and say WAKE UP!!! You can always find something bad in every situation. Its easy to do that. But you can always find something good in every situation. There is always something you can be depressed about. Things in life hardly ever go right. And when they do its momentarily. The people in life that are the happiest are not those who have the best of everything. They are the ones that have " the right spirit" when those bad things come their way. They don't let the little things get them down. They look at their problems as challenges, a chance to improve. And they look to the little things in life to make them happy. They take time to smell the roses, stop and watch the sunset, they look at the lost earring as a chance to go shopping and the exploded pen as an opportunity to go to office max. (Anyone who knows me knows what that means!) Lets make these bad times good and good times unforgettable. Life is way too short not to!

Monday, October 26, 2009

No more Cows or Cakes!!!


"Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endureth his torments willingly"

I was at work the other day, and this girl and I were giving love advice to one of our male co-workers. We were giving him insight into the girl mind (which is a very complicated place, even when you think you've got it figured out.... it changes. Which is our right as women to do.) As she was telling him how girls think it hit me that the bad example she was using just so happened to fit me. Which is sad. I am normally a very opinionated person when it comes to relationships and how men treat women. I promised myself long ago that I would never let myself be financially dependant on a man because with my luck, I will be that 40 something woman with no education and no job experience except being a mom who's husband left her for his secretary. So with this frame of mind how did I end up in this situation??? I also firmly believe that you teach people how to treat you. I've heard over and over why would a man buy the cow when he can get the milk for free? Or he just wants his cake and eat it too. What do these mean? And why do we do this to ourselves? If I knew the answer I wouldn't be baking cakes and handing out free milk. Are women also creatures of habit? Maybe we go for the ones who like the free milk to keep us "distracted" or occupied until the next one comes along. Maybe we are too afraid to be alone. Which is lame, but true in many cases. So as of today, no more baking cakes and no more handing out free milk. Who am I not to get out of life what I want? I deserve it just as much as the next person. Standing alone is so hard, but you don't find what you are made of until you do.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hello blogging world!!

I'm creating this blog by the request of my sister, she wanted to hear of my wisdom and my adventures. Well my sister, who is older and much much wiser and who has a view of the world of which i am envious of, doesn't know that it is not my wisdom, but maybe strength that I find in others wisdom. Which is what I plan to share with you! Life according to me :)