Thursday, October 29, 2009


Physical strength is measure by what we can carry;
spiritual strength is by what we can bear.
There are times in our life when we think we just can't take anymore. When it rains it pours right? Everything comes in threes? Nothing just seems to go right. Where do we turn when this happens? Do we blame all of the uncontrolled forces around us or do we look inward to see what we can do about it. Its not necessarilly about what happens outside of us, but more of how we choose to deal with it or bear it. After living in Utah for a while I noticed that there is a difference between being religious and being spiritual. They don't necessarily coincide. I've noticed that there is a lot of religion in this state but they lack the spirituality. I've met some very spiritual people who aren't religious. My friend for instance, who almost died from Crohns disease. I'm not sure of anyone who can be that close to death and not have a relationship with the Lord. I believe that it is when you have that close relationship with the Lord that you gain that spiritual strength, and that through him you can bear anything. Something that isn't guaranteed by Sunday attendance, but like any other relationship takes work, and not just showing up.

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