Sunday, November 8, 2009

What are little girls made of?

Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with
their weakness
Marie de Vichy
I often compare the two things that I'm wearing in these two photos. I often tell people that when I put on that uniform its like wearing my superman cape. I feel like I can do anything. But I like this quote because I had to go through months of weakness to be able to wear my uniform. And as I prepare to deploy again I go through my weaknesses all over again. Wondering if I'm good enough, if I will be able to handle it, If I can do it. When I put on that superman cape I forget those weaknesses and realize that there is a job to do. I remember all the reasons that I do it. And I am grateful for those who have done it before me. This week especially being veterans day, I am grateful for all those who have sacrificed their time and their lives so that I may live in freedom. The greatest moment of my life is coming off of the plane from my deployment and seeing my family standing there, its a moment that I can not even begin to describe. It is for them that I do this. So my nieces and nephews can raise their families in freedom. It is for them that I crawl through my weaknesses in hope that somewhere somehow I will be able to make a difference with my strength.

1 comment:

  1. That moment was one of my favorites. Such honor! Such pride in America! You are a great example to your nieces and nephews because they see your strengths. Weaknesses were given to us to make us strong. You are mighty!
