Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm a woman hear me roar!!

I could never at any age be content to take my place in
a corner by the fireside and simply look on.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I am 27 and single. I love in a state where it is really cool to get married at the age of 19. No offense to those who did, but thats just the way it is and I don't fit that mold. But living in this state I am looked at as if something were wrong with me. But eh its ok, I have been told alot by men that I have a lot going for me, that I have a head on my shoulders. And yet.... I'm still alone. Why? Ha ha only God knows. But many friends have told me that men are intimidated by independent self sufficient women. And to that I say who am I to be less of a person to help a mans ego? Forget that! I would rather be who I am for the rest of my life that be less than what I am. I don't really consider myself a feminist, I'm not a man hater by any means, I love men! But I'm not gonna wait around for one. I'm not gonna marry a man just to get married like some people do. I can go out and experience the world without one. I refuse to be one of those girls that needs to have a man around. I'll admit being alone sucks but thats not really what i'm referring to. I'm referring to how much we rely on them. I know a girl who had men wrapped around her finger to the point they would do anything for her. I'm talking about being self sufficient, women are and can be very strong and I don't think that we should hide our strengths but embrace them, Eleanor Roosevelt was an example of this and I love reading her quotes, they let me be the independent intimidating woman that I am and I'm ok with it! :)

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