Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day

Quote of the Day:
We shall not fail or falter, we shall not weaken or tire.....
Give us the tools & we will finish the job
Winston Churchill
For some reason this year for Veterans Day has been very important to me. I don't really know why. Maybe because it is the first year that I'm actually a vet. Or maybe its because my patriotism has increased. Or maybe it is because I know what some people have given up and what others have offered, and I have come to know what is expected of me. I was at walmart one day in uniform and this random woman came up to me to thank me for my service. My goal for life is to earn and live up to those thanks. I always get emotional when stuff like that happens and as I always get teary eyed when they play the star spangled banner or when I see an American Flag flying in the air. I take a moment to remember what it took to get the flag flying in the air. Many men and women have lost their lives and to them I am truly grateful. We may not support the president, and we may not agree with the war, but we need to support the troops that give up their lives and time away from their families. We are in it no matter what, and what we do isn't for the president or politics. Its for you. So thank you all who have served and who are serving!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that you started a blog! I must say you and everyone else serving this country are my HEROS. I completely agree with you-no matter the politics we are all in this together. So thank you, thank you for your service. I like to hear your perspective on it.
