Monday, November 30, 2009

Quote of the day
Yes one must suffer, even in vain, so as not to live in vain
Antonio Porcha
So I chose this quote for all of my suffering as far as school goes. Ha ha I meant it funny but it could be taken seriously as well. I haven't been on here in a while because I've been so busy with school. Also kind of numb with feelings and when I have feelings is when all of my inspiration comes. But I'm not complaining. I dont miss the drama or the stress that comes with those feelings. Through my busy times I've complained endlessly about the all the homework I've had to do and the lack of social life I've had. But I always told myself that it would be worth it someday. And I'm sure it will be when I graduate, but this quote isnt just for school. Its good for life as well. Life is so short. Suffering is apart of life. We gotta take the bad times with the good. Because with out the bad times you will never appreciate the good times. So we must suffer to live life. To experience it fully, if we didn't we would cease to grow and learn.

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