Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quote of the Day:
You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in
the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.
--Walt Disney
I am not looking for any sympathy by this post, more like venting and looking for acceptance for myself. I am having a hard time not being angry, and like a woman, I am festering and dwelling on something that I should be letting go. But at what point do you let it go, or would you rather change something so you don't have to experience it again. I do not think of myself as a "fake" person. With me what you see is what you get, and if I'm betrayed, then I do not allow that person back in to let them do it to me again. Life sucks sometimes! It really does and at times you getting pulled in a million different directions and you don't know how you are going to keep all the pieces together. And then...... You get kicked in the face. What do you do in these instances? Do you start crying? The pain of that kick is evidently there, its not something that you can just forget about. Or do just keep plugging along like that kick never happened even though there may be blood loss, or in my case pride. How do you keep from getting kicked again? Well naturally you put of barriers so it won't happen again. But do you really want to walk around with these extra barriers up? It gets heavy at times. Which is why I may be struggling. I love this quote, because it shows me that in all bad things, there is probably a little bit of good that can come from it. There are times when we have to look really hard for the good, but it is always there.

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