Monday, July 19, 2010

Take time to smell the roses.... i mean daisies.

Quote of the day:
It is easy to forget about how perfectly life works out.
When you are down, you believe that things never work in your
favor. But if you look back you see that, in many cases, things happened
exactly the way they needed to.
So I haven't added on in a very long time but here I am. They will get more frequent as I leave my family and do a second tour over seas for the military. Because I am deploying I have moved back home and I must say its very humbling to be 28 and moving back into mom and dads basement. It is the best option at the moment and I need to be close to my family before I leave. You never how short life can be. Since I've moved home I have seen my parents compete in their gardening. It is actually quite cute. I have talked to my mom about the weeds that have been growing along with her beautiful flowers. And how certain people, after seeing the yard in all of its vibrant beauty only point out the weeds. How depressing is that??? To be in the midst of one of Gods most beautiful creations and only see these uninviting weeds. The same goes with life. We are so focused on the weeds that we don't enjoy the enticing flowers of life. And so here is my quote for the day. While we are so busy looking at the weeds and feeling sorry for ourselves, we may not realize that maybe some weeds could do us some good. If it weren't for the weeds we would not enjoy the elegance of these flowers. My life has not turned out the way that I had imagined it. Far off. I've done and do things that not everyone would agree with. But the weeds in my garden are needed. They are just as much a part of me as the daisies are. I've come to believe that everything in life happens for a reason and that everyone is in your life for a reason. Whether big or small. Looking back over the years I have realized that I have gotten the exact "garden" that I have wanted. I went on the scenic route to get there, and I'm still not there yet but well on my way. Life is too short to focus on just the weeds. You pull them up or let them grow, either way they are always there. Enjoy the weeds and smell the flowers. Once you sit back and reflect the splendor of your "garden" and how wonderful how it is just to be able to be alive the weeds will appear small, compared the magnificence around you.

1 comment:

  1. I've been whining over my "weeds" thank you for your inspiring words. :)
