Thursday, March 4, 2010

Actually... it's hardwork ever after....

Quote of the Day:
Stop looking for Prince Charming.
Cinderella's already got him.
--Ilene Beckerman
After a few conversations i've had with friends today, I came up with this idea for a post. Granted I've never been married but..... i've had alot of friends tell me their experiences and I've had some experience within the realms of relationships. This is what I have figured out.... That divorce is all Cinderella's fault. Ok maybe not just Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty too. Ok lets just blame Walt Disney. He could be a catch all for all the problems in relationships and this is why; ever since we were five years old we've been brainwashed in thinking that once you find your prince charming you will live happily ever after. That is a good 15 to 20 years of brainwashing that we can't seem to get out of our heads. Once we start to date and get toward the marrying age we look for men that are in these fairytales. When we get older there are the chick flicks that we watch and sigh "I want to find a man like that!" Well the sad reality is that they don't exist! There is no such thing as prince charming, or the knight in shining armor. Its all jibberish!!!! Now ladies, I'm not saying that we should just settle for what is right in front of us. No, No, No, no. What I'm saying that we should know what WE want and WE shouldn't be afraid to go out and get it! I refuse to be the damsel in distress waiting for my hero to come along to sweep me off my feet and make my life happen. These ideas that we get into our head since the time we were five end up leading to disappointment. I was talking to a friend of mine who's husband, shall we say, is the girl of the relationship. He doesn't even do the stuff in the movies. Life is never going to be happily ever after. Neither are relationships. They are hard work and from both parties. If anything is one sided it won't work either. Believe me i'm an expert on that one. The sooner we realize, that just because men don't like to cuddle doesn't mean they love us any less, the better of we will be. But don't worry men, this doesn't let you off the hook either. Relationships are hard, and at one point one or both of you will want to get out, but if you both have the same end game in sight, you'll make it there together and live in hardwork ever after ;)

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